Sunday, April 29, 2018

This is not Fleetwood Mac.

I like most people was really excited to Fleetwood Mac before they break up. This was a chance to see the classic five. Sadly it was not to be because right before the tour announcement they decided to fire Lindsey Buckingham. Buckingham was voice on many of the bands classics like Monday Morning, Go Your Own Way and Second Hand News. He's such a big part of the band that they needed two people to replace him.  I like many others are not going to shell out hundreds of dollars to see two last minute stand-ins. It's like Aerosmith firing Joe Perry or the Stone firing Kieth. It's a huge disappointment and a slap in the face two all the fans hoping to see them for the last time and younger fans like myself for the first time. Please stop acting like little children and do one for the fans.